The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173649 Message #4214278
Posted By: robomatic
28-Dec-24 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let's talk about the US election
Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
Two items:
The Democrats are now perceived as facing a new political order: Much lower grip on Hispanics than they ever had before; much lower grip on working classes; a defunct progressive movement; and aging senior leaders.
Much that is going on for public comment amidst cross complaints and squabbles on the TRMP side is, whether meant to be or simply turns out to be, diversive. TRMP is in the catbird seat and makes his decisions without much observable comment while the media spout about nonconsequential items such as the Gaetz report and whether Tulsi Gabbard is a security risk.
Meanwhile Security Risk Number A-1 is headed for the big hamburger heaven at the White House.