The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173608   Message #4214334
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
29-Dec-24 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: A Complete Unknown 2024 film, Dylan & Newport
Subject: RE: A Complete Unknown 2024, Dylan & Newport
well i will go see the film for my 76th birthday on January 19th.

I'm sorry you've all jumped on the wagon to use the release of the film to air your grievances about who played real folk music and which songwriter was better and more valid than the other.

I visited my first folk club in 1964. My version of folk music was never anybody's flavour of the week, but I have loved and tried to play folk music all that time.

I suppose the reason I want to see the film is that I am hoping to catch just slightest vibe of what folk music felt like in those days, and the hopes we had for this apparently new cutting edge experience. It was sixty years ago today....

I will look out your book Becky in Oregon