Anyone with any knowledge of the tradition will know that it consists of music, stories, songs, step dances, couple dances, half sets, jokes & the 'crack' generally. 'Music' could include solos, duets, bands, spoons solos, musical sawyers & total shambleses of all kinds but above all aimed to be fun and enjoyment for all present . I'm not aware that in the 'tradition' there were ever dedicated 'music' or 'song' sessions? Yes you can of course choose one aspect & if you just and want to play tunes or sing songs, you can of course do that, but I do think you're missing out.
I was at a few of Ken Hall's 'Traditional Nights Out' at Whitby festival and all of the above skills used to feature to the great delight of the people. A policy of pigeon-holing could never have achieved that....