The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171722   Message #4214721
Posted By: rich-joy
04-Jan-25 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: Recording: Jolly Jack at the Waggon Folk Club-1984
Subject: RE: Recording: Jolly Jack at the Waggon Folk Club-1984
Jolly Jack - Mike Billington's 'Folk like Us' Radio Show 1988
from the Folkimages YT channel.

Jan 5, 2025
"Jolly Jack released their second LP 'A Long Time Travelling' in 1988, five years after their debut 'Rolling Down to Old Maui'. Shortly after its release the band members ,Dave Weatherall, Alan Taylor and Martin Hall, appeared on Mike Billington's 'Folk like Us' show on Radio Manchester to promote it."

Cheers, R-J