The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79458   Message #4214840
Posted By: GUEST,Monty Zoomer (An Octogenarian Donegan fan)
06-Jan-25 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists
Subject: RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists
Indeed,poor old Les Bennetts has had a rough deal from some commentators. Wright, Currie, and the even earlier Dick 'Cisco' Bishop, all heralded from the Jazz world. I don't think Les did? Notwithstanding, Les's contribution to the album "Lonnie Rides Again", were really top notch, well, they were, IMHO. His guitar work in Take this Hammer, You Pass me By, and especially the solo and fills in The House of the Rising Sun were most excellent.