The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173649 Message #4214949
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Jan-25 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's talk about the US election
Subject: RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election
This is about the election, let's not drift into the esoteric. A few posts were removed.
The Trump crime thread and the Trump election are drawing closer by the day, though Trump is trying to erase the criminal convictions before the inauguration. Though Judge Cannon finished with the case she was working on she had no hesitation to rule on one she wasn't overseeing, to prevent Smith's report from being conveyed to the Justice Department. She is overreaching and the 11th Circuit has twice reversed and scolded her on other Trump decisions. Her main role as far as the Trump defense is concerned is to slow everything, and she's three for three. Now Trump is trotting out his bought-and-paid-for Supremes to see if they'll jump the gun and squash the Friday hearing.