The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173790   Message #4215027
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
09-Jan-25 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Spot the anachronism
Subject: RE: Spot the anachronism
The Buddy Holly Story: Gary Busey plays a Stratocaster with a headstock too early for True Love Ways.

Discographers abandon all hope at the ticket window. No matter where the song was on the releaseā€¦ it will be track one; side one in the scene. You're lucky if it's even the right record company.

Vietnam war movie directors are typically off by a year-or-three. Que the inevitable CCR.

There's a run of Mudcat posts on the American's Daniel Boone TV series. Short version: forget reality.

A Knight's Tale - We Will Rock You
(Can't unsee it. Some of those extras couldn't follow a beat if they were shackled to it.)