The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173791   Message #4215061
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
10-Jan-25 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
Subject: RE: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
Islington Gazette 18th July 2020 had a similar query

,,,some of the lyrics extracted from an old songbook scribed by my dear old mother over 60 years ago went like this:

There’s a little old lady with silvery hair

Who sits by herself in an old rocking chair

She’s had plenty of troubles and plenty of strife

But she’s worked very hard to give me a good life...

I last heard it play over the radio in the late 50s

& same query in The Islington Tribune Friday, 17th July 2020
a Walter Roberts writes about his mother

Maria, loved to sing along, and would write down her favourite songs in an old notebook for her children.

There's a not very legible picture of about a dozen lines of the handwritten words

Manuel, I wonder if you could use the picture there to transpose some more words for us(if it is the same song).