The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4215069
Posted By: pattyClink
10-Jan-25 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
So we've had a couple of snows during this deep freeze. One lovely walk in it. The pump & well people came out and charged up the pressure tank, so the problem is solved for now, we'll keep an eye out for a slow leak.

Carpenter insists on working through the bad weather but keeping key equipment in my house, dry and charging. Really wish I had just put a tin patch on the veranda roof and gone about my business, this rebuild is taking forever.   

The weedeater refund finally came through, and I filled out the survey about how much I loved twisting in the wind for 3 weeks.

Tending to lots of address and bank changes. Astonished to find the new credit card is not only unusable but so is their website; you fill in sensitive info then it says 'we can't process, come back another time'. 2 days later, same thing. The phone line is solid static at all times and ridiculous wait times, and I suspect I would be told 'try again later' anyway. I'll attempt to turn the card in today at the bank which 'issued' it.

Tried to set up online access at said bank, got through their process, and was told they would review it for security and contact me in 1-2 days. I think this is day 4.   

I already tried the credit unions in town, all my documents in hand. One told me to go away for 1.5 hours because the officer was going to lunch soon, and no they wouldn't give me an appointment for another time 'it's on a first-come-first-serve basis'. The other has a dizzying array of nuisance fees.   

I guess I'll cling to old out of state accounts that at least are designed to work.

Bev Praver did a great song at the Singaround about automated phone systems, something about 'whatever you do, don't press 9'. Ironically 9 was my assigned choice on the credit card line.