The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173791   Message #4215071
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jan-25 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
Subject: RE: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
A really huge "Thank you" to each & all who have so kindly rushed to my rescue. Preliminarily, my short general response is that "Rockin' Alone (In an Old Rocking Chair)" is not the song I'm looking for. And the list I was led to by helpful Helen has yielded no leads. What is, however, now gripping my attention is the intensely hot info provided by FreddyHeadey. That faded page appearing in the Islington publication contains lyrics which remain in my memory but which I omitted from my post last night. Will certainly get back to y'all upon concluding my scrutiny of it.