The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34358   Message #4215108
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
10-Jan-25 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
Subject: RE: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
^^^ crill

A glossary of the Lancashire dialect 1875
has it @ 1865 \ 1867 as

CRILL, sb. a shiver.

WAUGH- He began to be aware that there was a deeper silence around him than before, and it sent a cold crill all over him.
Besom Ben, c. iv., p. 37.

Aw felt a bit of a cowd crill, for summut towd mo there wur misfortin afoot.
Dead Man's Dinner, c. ii., p. 18.