The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34358   Message #4215141
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jan-25 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
Subject: RE: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
"Your posts are in another thread, Origins: The Four Loom weavers."

Tx, but I don't think that was where I originally posted them, because the reference to the version of "Four Loom Weavers" in Elizabeth Gaskell's "Mary Barton" is in this thread not that one, so I am reasonably certain that here is where I posted them. While I can understand that maybe the lyrics of Maddy & June's version would have been better posted in the other thread, and so might have been moved there by someone doing housekeeping, the second post concerning "Mary Barton" referred back to this thread, so should have been left here.