The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4215145
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jan-25 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
I need to repaint the hall bathroom (where I went through a bright yellow phase a few years ago.) And the halls. And take down wallpaper in the kitchen. And the popcorn on the upper walls in the den. New windows and doors. So much stuff to do, but has been ignored for years.

Poking around for extra small things to tuck into a box going to my son I came across a #2 can full of art pencils, nothing precious, that is now going in the Welman donation box. I need to go through his dresser drawers and see what else can go because I remember just packing things in that would fit, not necessarily things that go in a dresser.

This morning I woke to what feels like the beginnings of a bladder infection. I haven't been drinking as much fluid in the colder weather, mostly cups of tea, and some of the carbs this week had more sugar than usual. Low compared to how much I got before going low-carb, but still there to grow an infection. This morning I put two frozen bags of cranberries in the steam juicer, and when it's cool I'll mix a batch of cran-apple juice, heavy on the cran. (I keep frozen apple juice for this reason).

Outside it is now above freezing so the ice should be gone by mid-afternoon. The special quality of mud after a freeze means I'll be washing floors this week, there are dog footprints in view everywhere.