The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173791 Message #4215175
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jan-25 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
Subject: RE: Title & Singer of 1950s Song
I had promised to get back to you all, upon concluding my scrutiny of the old page to which FreddyHeadey helpfully drew our attention in his second post above. Having completed that examination today, I only find it necessary to say that I entirely agree with Helen's transcription of the note appearing on that page. This, however, is not to say that my recollection of the lyrics of the rendition I used to hear accords fully with the recollection of the author of such note. For example, my memory is clear that the second sentence goes: 'She sits all day in an old rocking chair." "Who sits by herself in an old rocking ..." is definitely not what I used to hear.