The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62907 Message #4215179
Posted By: and e
12-Jan-25 - 03:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
The QUEEN's ASS. A New Humorous Allegorical Song. Honi soit qui mal y pense. By H. HOWaRD. To the Tune of, Stick a Pin there.
Ye Bucks and ye Jemmies who amble the Park, Whose Hearts and whose Heads are as lightsome as Cork, Through Buckingham-Gate, as to Chelsea you pass, Without Fee or Reward, you may see the Q-----'s A----, See the Q------'s A--: See the Q-----'s A---, Without Fee or Reward, &c.
A Sight such as this surely never was seen; Who the Deuce would not gaze at the A--- of a Q----n? What Prospect so charming!-- What Sene can surpass The delicate Sight of her M------'s A--- ?
Though squeamish old Prudes with Invective and Spleen, May turn up their Noses, and censure the Q-----n; Crying out,--" 'Tis a Shame, that her Q-----ship, alas, "Should take such a Pride--in exposing her A---."
Let them rail if they will; yet I'll bett Ten to One, Not a Prude of them all but would alter her Tone, Provided that Fortune, so kind to each Lass, Had bestow'd such an A--- as her M------'s A---.
The Fribbles cry out, " 'Tis a Sin and a Shame " To suffer a Sight with so filthy a Name:" Though they rail, yet will each take a Peep thro' hi Glass, For who wou'd not peep at her M-------'s A-- ?
From M**klb**b St**l**z, a Place of Renown, This good-natur'd P--n--ss cam her for a Crown ; And now in Return to the Folks as they pass, She kindly repays them--by shewing her A---.
Ye Gods ! I with Pleasure cou'd gaze Day and Night, At so charming, so pretty, so curious a Sight : In truch, I must own--nay, I swear by the Mass, I could kiss (if no Treason)---her M-------'s A---.
But this for a Subject, though loyal, I fear Would be look'd on by some Folks as coming too near ; Then in Prudence my Passion I'll stifle, alas ! Content but to gaze on her M-------'s A---.
Resign'd to my Fate, thus to gaze and no more, In vain for Possession I sigh and implore ; But Scripture informs us that all Flesh is Grass, And such, I presume, is her M------'s A---.
Since then there is no mighty Diff'rence between The A--- of a Subject, and that of a Q----n, Let each Lad full of glee take his Bottle and Glass, And drink the Q-------'s Health----not forgetting her A---, Not forgetting her A---; Not forgetting her A---, And drink the Q-----'s Heath, &C.
Sold by the AUTHOR, opposite the Union Coffee-House, in the Strand, near Temple-Bar; and by all the Print and Pamphlet-sellers. (PRICE SIXPENCE.)
N.B. In a few Days will be published, A Song on the CHEROKEES with a Head-Piece.