The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173795   Message #4215183
Posted By: The Sandman
12-Jan-25 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Come All You Little Streamers
Subject: RE: Origins: Come All You Little Streamers
Cecil Sharp is also respected[ he has a house named after him, however his judgement of songs was coloured by the time he lived in, he bowdlerised songs, which had sexual connotations[ although he kept the originals]
Baring Gould was another collector, who bowdlerised songs.
All these collectors including the Broadwoods had a vested interest in popularising the songs for the piano, cleaning them up AND REMOVING SEXUAL CONTENT so they were acceptable for Victorian standards of prudery
the sholarship of all these collectors needs to be seen in the context of their times, and questioned and challenged , in a similiar way Lloyds scholarship has to be challenged for different reasons.
The scholars of the Victorian era, need to have their scholarship SEEN IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR TIME, The utterances of these scholars is not gospel, but just their opinion, the same applies to Lloyd, for different reasons