The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4215218
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Jan-25 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
There is a growing stack of craft items on the bench near the back door to be donated on Tuesday. Last night I pulled out three bags of fabric scraps from my daughter that I'd stuffed into a bin until I could look through them. I am keeping just a few. Along with other art materials and storage containers this will be a nice clear-out. Interestingly, a couple of hours after that task I had an email from a friend offering quilting scraps, so I described the place where I'm donating and she's going to see if there is something similar in her community.

Today's museum tour was in a dressier pair of black jeans, size 10. I haven't worn these in ages. I think these weekend tours stay open because the other docents know there is a chance the tours won't make. They wait and see if anyone is interested; I promote the tour as people come in and can usually talk at least one or two people into going with me, as I did today. That's ok - I get credit for the time spent whether I speak to 3 or 30.

Another pants observation - while we had a few cold days I was wearing regular jeans and later fleece sweatpants but I forgot about the pair of LL Bean flannel-lined jeans. Those are size 8 tall but are roomy so will fit ok now. We have another arctic blast headed this way in about seven days so I'll move them to the front of the rack. In the meantime, maybe I can get the waistband restored in my favorite fleece pj pants. I think there is another pair of flannel pants in the sewing room; I remember a pair that wasn't in my dresser drawer where I expected them to be so they're probably needing work.

Lots of water and cranberry seem to have helped turn the tide on the nascent infection. That's always better than antibiotics, because they come with their own set of problems.