The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173787 Message #4215232
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
13-Jan-25 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: California fire danger-Los Angeles
Subject: RE: BS: California fire danger-Los Angeles
This weekend I watched the local network affiliates in Los Angeles via streaming services. Sling is a paid streaming network but you can sign up and just watch their free channels. I watched the FOX affiliate (when it came to just fire coverage they were top-notch, no political stuff, just on the ground and helicopter views of the region, not just the rich side of town.) Sling has lots of FOX channels, this is the first time I've ever watched one.
Similar with the CBS news affiliate, that I got to via Pluto, which is always free. Scroll down and you'll find various city affiliates.
The same is possible via NBC affiliates, not sure where they stream, maybe that's on Hulu or another source. You can go to the channel feed directly via the local channel's home page (
The local news programs are a lot different than the national ones as far as the granularity of their coverage. I'm afraid it is rather like watching a train wreck.
I've just tuned in this morning; the wind is predicted to get worse today. FOX is preparing at the moment to play a press conference. I'll switch around and see how the coverage compares. FOX just ran an ad for a remastered interview with Jane Fonda opposing the Vietnam war - same ol' same ol' conservative stuff once the ads come back, it looks like.
A note about the terminology that I learned from FOX this weekend - when they say "structures burned" that is everything, including sheds, barns, residences, and even RVs and cars. So when the total structures (at that point) was 6,000, the homes in that count were about 500. Still a lot of homes, but it is something the fire department has made a point of trying to clarify for the news outlets.