The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6930 Message #4215245
Posted By: and e
13-Jan-25 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
Subject: RE: Origins: The Chandler's Wife
...I will sing a song. A beautiful old New England folk ballad which I picked up at Harvard amid the debris of education. (He sings in a boisterous bari- tone, rapping on the table with his knuckles at the indicated spots in the song )
“Jack, oh, Jack, was a sailor lad And he came to a tavern for gin. He rapped and he rapped with a (Rap, rap, rap) But never a soul seemed in.”
(The drunks at the tables stir. Rocky gets up from his chair m the bar and starts back for the entrance to the bac\ room. Hope cocks one irritable eye over his specs, foe Mott opens both of his and grins. Willie interposes some drunken whimsi- cal exposition to Larry.)
The origin of this beautiful ditty is veiled in mystery, Larry. There was a legend bruited about in Cambridge lava- tories that Waldo Emerson composed it during his uninformative period as a min- ister, while he was trying to write a ser- mon. But my own opinion is, it goes back much further, and Jonathan Edwards w r as the author of both words and music. (He sings)
“He rapped and rapped, and tapped and tapped Enough to wake the dead Till he heard a damsel (Rap, rap, rap) On a window right over his head.”
(The drunks are blinking their eyes now, grumbling and cursing. Rocky appears from the bar at rear, right, yawning.)
hope (with yawning irritation): Rocky! Bejees, can’t you keep that crazy bastard quiet? (Rocky starts for Willie) willie. And now the influence of a good woman enters our mariner’s life. Well, perhaps “good” isn’t the word. But very, very kind. (He sings)
“Oh, come up,” she cried, “my sailor lad, And you and I’ll agree, And I’ll show you the prettiest (Rap, rap, rap) That ever you did see.”
(He speaks) You see, Larry? The lewd Puritan touch, obviously, and it grows more marked as we go on. ( He sings)
“Oh, he put his arm around her waist. He gazed in her bright blue eyes And then he — ”
(But here Rocky shakes him roughly by the shoulder.)
rocky: Piano! What d’yuh tink dis dump is, a dump?
hope: Give him the bum's rush upstairs! Lock him in his room!
rocky (yanks Willie by the arm): Come on. Bum.
1939. The Iceman Cometh Eugene O'Neill. Written in 1939, first produced in 1946.