The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173795   Message #4215249
Posted By: Steve Gardham
13-Jan-25 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Come All You Little Streamers
Subject: RE: Origins: Come All You Little Streamers
I can't remember what conclusions Stephen and I came to about Green Mountain, but Nick was certainly correct about strings of floaters (commonplaces) being put together to make new songs, and confound those who would try to follow a song's evolution, and Little Streamers is definitely one of those. It appears to have evolved in a Mondegreenish way from Streams of Lovely Nancy which is Mondegreen for The Strands of Magilligan from Northern Ireland. The 'strands' (if you'll excuse the pun) seem to run from Northern Ireland to a Liverpool broadside and spread slowly south with a mixture of rewriting and oral tradition Mondegreens, until it reached southern England where it appeared on broadsides as 'Streams of Lovely Nancy' spawning and acquiring floaters on the way. It is a shame Stephen hasn't got round to publishing his detailed findings yet. I'm sure we have discussed this before.