The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23533 Message #4215265
Posted By: and e
13-Jan-25 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: us navy drinking songs
Subject: RE: us navy drinking songs
[compiled by Robert D. Thornton]. Aloha Jigpoha is the songbook of the Navy linguists during WWII. Jigpoha is an intentional corruption of JICPOA (Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Operation Area). It was a translation, interpretation, intelligence office within Nimitz's Commander In Chief Pacific (CINCPAC). Between 1942 and 1945, the Navy and Marine Japanese Language Officers in JICPOA (trained in Navy Japanese Language Schools located in Tokyo [1910-1940], Berkeley and Harvard [1941-42], Boulder [1942-1945] and Stillwater [1945-46]) translated and interpreted captured enemy documents and intercepted radio traffic, and interrogated Japanese POWs. These linguists frequently were sent out with the fleets as part of invasion forces and to translate aboard carriers and flagships.