The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34358   Message #4215290
Posted By: GUEST,Charles Macfarlane
14-Jan-25 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
Subject: RE: Origins: Hand-Loom Weaver's Lament
Well, that leaves me with an unwanted dilemma; I don't want to start a flame war, but, on the other hand, those finding my posts in the other thread, particularly the post concerning "Mary Barton", will think I am a fool, because they won't be able to find the post upthread to which my post refers; whereas in reality the fault is yours, not mine.

This is exactly the sort of mess that might be expected from such an officious intervention as you have made. Threads are dynamic, and sometime go off-topic, etc, just as do conversations in real life. Mudcat seems to have a pretty good indexing system whereby lists of relevant threads appear at the top of each thread on a certain topic. It would be far better not to try and massage the content after the event, but rely on that indexing system to help people find relevant content, as this system has done for me within the last month or so.

Please put at least my "Mary Barton" post back in this thread, where it naturally belongs.

And, BTW, if you hadn't signed in as "Guest", I'd've known who you are and understood the true situation earlier.