The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84595 Message #4215292
Posted By: and e
14-Jan-25 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Drilling for Oil / Boring for Oil
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Drilling for Oil / Boring for Oil
Boring for Oil.
You may talk of excitement so scarce and so rare, Of bansh[?] and of water-falls done up in hair, But if you will just listen to me for awhile I'll relate my adventure while boring for oil.
I went to Oil city, that place of renown, I viewed the fine country, prospecting the town, Prospecting the ground, and prospecting the soil, . [In] search of a spot to go boring for oil.
One evening while tie rambling I met a fair maid, And unto this damsel I gently did say 'Tis all for a fortune I'm willing to toil, If I knew of a spot to go boring for oil.
She smiled as she said, well now I declare; I know of a spot and have watched it with care, And no one has seen it since I was a child, And if you will bore there you will surely strike oil.
Says I to myself, my fortune is made; If you show the spot I'll see you well paid, Then she lifted her garments for fear they would soil, And showed me the spot to go boring for oil.
[I ki]ssed this fai[r maid] one hundred times ore, [.......] bat her [.......]ed on natures green floor; [.....]was with [.........]t, my blood it did boil, Then I pulled out my AUGER, to go boring for oil.
I not bor[ed but] six inches or so, And the oil free[ly and w]ell it freely did flow, She smiled and she stammered, my character spoiled, And you have lifted[?] my kidneys, while boring for oil.
This scanned ledger/scrapbook -- with two-thirds song related -- with approximately 35 bawdy broadsides. The it consists of doggerel poems, bawdy jokes & stories. Using internal dates, the collection dates from ~1883-97. Reportedly the ledger book was found in the attic of an 1880's house during renovations in a town in upstate NY near the Erie Canal.