The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84595   Message #4215329
Posted By: and e
14-Jan-25 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Drilling for Oil / Boring for Oil
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Drilling for Oil / Boring for Oil

As I walked out one morning in May
I met a fair damsel and to her did say
It's all for a fortune I am willing to toil
If you'll show me some place to go boring for oil.

She stammered, she stammered, kind sir, I declare,
I know of a place and I've nursed it with care,
And no one has seen it since I was a child
And I'll show you there's no trouble in boring for oil.

Oh, I had not bored down more than six inches or so,
When the oil from my well it so freely did flow,
She screamed and she hollered Oh my character's spoiled
You've busted my hamgut while boring for oil. [?]

R. M. Davids

c1924. The Gordon Inferno Collection. Davids MSS.
Written down by R.M. Davids, Cross X Ranch, Woodmere, Florida,
Sent in to R.W. Gordon by J.C. Colcord 12/21/29.

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