The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173803   Message #4215364
Posted By: and e
15-Jan-25 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Red Light Saloon (Bawdy)
Subject: Origins: Red Light Saloon (Bawdy)
Red Light Saloon

Well I arrived in Denver and hour too soon
And I thought I'd stop off at the Red Light Saloon
I boldly walked up in and sat down at a bar
And a dirty old chippy said have a cigar

I took that cigar and sat down in a chair
The dirty old chippy came right over there
Well she tickled my whiskers and ruffled my hair
And she made old John Henry stand up in the air

I stood from my chair and threw down my cigar
And said baby lets have a round somewhere
The place that she showed me was right up the stairs
And the thing that she showed me was covered with hairs

She wrapped her legs round me and wiggled her ass
And she made old John Henry go off with a blast
Well hotsey and totsey -- a flower in bloom
A fuck for buck at the Red Light Saloon

Feb 5, 1958. Transcribed from a reel to reel tape in the Kenneth Goldstein collection.

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