The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173803 Message #4215369
Posted By: Lighter
15-Jan-25 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Red Light Saloon (Bawdy)
Subject: RE: Origins: Red Light Saloon (Bawdy)
Roud 9424. Good find of a rarely reported song. To judge from other versions, everything after Brand's stanza 3 is probably his owncomposition - or his informant's!
Newspaper ads and accounts mention a great many “Red Light Saloons” from Boston to San Bernardino between 1853 and 1900 (where I stopped looking).
Brand recorded the song at least four times: on "Backroom Ballads" (Chesterfield CMS-101, 10”, 1949) ; on "American Drinking Songs" (Riverside RLP 12-630, 1956) ; on "Oscar Brand Sings for Adults" (ABC-Paramount: ABC 388, 1961), and “'Live' on Campus" (Apex Al-7, 1970), Yet it does not appear in his recorded BS&BB series, despite its inclusion as 6 stzs. w/melody & piano acc. in the songbook that accompanies the recordings; Brand's head note:
“The lumberjacks who depleted our great forests worked twenty-five or more hours daily. One day a year they would visit the nearest settlement which usually consisted of one general store and one saloon, with rooms upstairs. I learned the song from an ex-logger in Minneapolis who claimed he had written it. (Another tall tale from the woods.)”
Newspaper ads and accounts mention a great many “Red Light Saloons” from Boston to San Bernardino between 1853 and 1900 (where I stopped searching). FWIW:
Detroit Free Press (Dec. 13, 1867), p. 1:
“Jennie Jenks, proprietress of the ‘Red Light’ saloon on Jefferson avenue, Louisa Jones, Frank Brundage, and several others who were recently indicted by the Grand Jury for keeping houses of ill fame, were arraigned at the Recorder’s Court yesterday.”