The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173787   Message #4215377
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Jan-25 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: California fire danger-Los Angeles
Subject: RE: BS: California fire danger-Los Angeles
Right. And there are a few token beavers in the Sonoran Desert, last I looked. Dick, look at a map of the place. No beavers will be introduced to save Los Angeles. They need to stop doing the landscaping with plants next to houses that are made of fuel.

From the US Forest Service - Ignition-Resistant Homes
Use wildfire-resistant building materials and landscaping.

From This Old House - How To Build a Fireproof Home
Learn how insulated concrete forms—combined with fire-resistant exterior and interior materials—make for one safe home.

From a site called Fast Company - No shrubs and lots of concrete: This is what a fire-resistant house looks like
There’s no such thing as a fire-proof house, but certain design choices can help protect a home during a wildfire.