Still cold, and today it's windy enough to make it feel even worse. Overnight tonight will also be frigid, but then it's supposed to move out of the area.
Day three this week of medical stuff. Monday the vet, last night my ex called, he'd somehow bit his tongue (eating salad!) and it wouldn't stop bleeding. He might need a ride to an emergency clinic. He never had the icemaker plumbed to his fridge and doesn't keep an ice cube tray so my first move was to get a bunch of my ice and take it over. After about 20 minutes of a cube wrapped in gauze (and dampened so it didn't stick) the bleeding stopped. It actually became kind of funny - I snapped a photo of him with the gauze in his mouth and sent it to the kids in a group conversation.
This morning was my blood draw in advance of next week's checkup and after six months of no statins but the changed diet I am curious to see what shows up. I'm going to take Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories with me to the exam.
Patty, were you able to get everything worked on early in the week in time to do the travel you were packing for? I do apologize if my remarks were inappropriate regarding the work you're doing.