Finally back to feeling reasonably good. Whatever that was, was a doozy! At least R did not need to deal with it or with me having it; I just mostly stayed in bed with book and computer.
Now R's bro (80) was in hospital yesterday with something nasty wrong. I am hoping R will be home tonight or let me know. They are partners in the business and the load is already too much for R; if bro cannot help, I fear for R's mental health.
I sent off a treatise of the 66 years of my so called "marriage" to #2 son. Sent it to #1 a few months ago after he browbeat me and triggered PTSD. I decided they are old enough to have a clue what I have been through with their "DT clone" of a father. DTclone is the most polite way I can refer to him.
Had a wonderful visit this week with a woman I met at the grief group. My first friend in this burg!
Charmion! Sounds like a great decision! Wonderful to have family happy to have you back!