The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212   Message #4217620
Posted By: GerryM
19-Feb-25 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, and monologues from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom singaround of 17/18 February 2025, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Moorley Man for the data. Corrections and comments always welcome.

Being a Pirate
The Good Old Way
The Young Suffragette (poem)
Suffragette (poem)
Stepping Into the House that Men Built (poem)
I Hope You Don't Mind that We Sang About Jesus for You
Do Not Disturb (Sex In Granddad's Care Home)
Dad's Got a Gun (monologue)
New Garden Fields
I Hold Your Hand in Mine
The Bossa Nova Beat
The Boomerang Café
Les Trois Maçons Jolis (The Three Handsome Stonemasons, sung in French)
What's Happening Today
The Wistful One (poem)
My Dearest Dear
Wild Geese (ttto an O'Carolan planxty)
The Maple's Lament
I Wanna Be a Bonobo
(Poem mocking the young Philip of Spain – no title available)
Bluebeard (poem)
Prism (poem)
Don't Abandon Them (ttto Blowin' in the Wind)
My Husband's Got No Courage in Him
Nightmare on the Nile (ttto The Zoological Gardens)
Oklahoma Hills
Some Day Soon
The Rich Man and the Poor Man
Hard Times of Old England Retold
At Evening (poem)
Returning (poem)
Anniversary (poem)
Midnight Moonlight
Homeward (poem)
Mercedes Benz
And Still the Rain Falls (poem)
Early One Morning
Why Does Love Make You Stupid?
Blue Skies and Meadows of Gold
Going to the West
The Ball-Playing Song
While I'm Gone (poem)
Suddenly, Elon (ttto Suddenly, Seymour)
Twa Corbies
Out of the Window (aka Our Wedding Day)
Early Snow
Don't Feel Your Touch
Jemima Nicholas
Dead Presidents
High Barbaree
Voting for Destruction (poem)
Siúl a ghrá (in Irish Gaelic, aka Shule Aroon)
Geritol Gypsy
There is a Wall
Talking 2025 Blues
Frobisher Bay (aka Frozen in Frobisher Bay)
What Happened to the Manx Cat's Tail?
Music to Me