The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212   Message #4218125
Posted By: GerryM
27-Feb-25 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, and monologues from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom singaround of 24/25 February 2025, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Moorley Man for the data, and to Joan F for a correction. Corrections and comments always welcome.

I'm An Old Cow-hand
The Battle (poem)
With God On Our Side
Sunflowers (poem)
An Infinite Number of Occasional Tables (poem)
A Sailor's Life
Julian of Norwich
Gloria (sung in Latin)
Cool (That Bossa Nova Beat)
The 23rd of February
Lady Franklin's Lament
Le Tailleur de Pierre ("The Stonecutter", sung in French)
Begin The Beguine
The Glory of Love
Woman In My Dreams (Ice that's Boiling Over)
Speed of the Sound of Loneliness
You Wonder Why I'm a Hobo (or I Just Don't Want to be Rich)
Already Dead
World Traveler (poem)
Hallelujah for Ukraine (ttto [Leonard Cohen's] Hallelujah)
The Broom o' the Cowdenknowes
Carry It On
The Shuls of Erin (ttto Shoals of Herring)
Don't Fence Me In
When First Unto This Country
Matters of the Heart
I Had an Old Coat
Unison in Harmony
New Year (poem)
At Evening (poem)
Any Two Sides of a Triangle (monologue)
Cole Porter Played
When You are Old and Gray
The Masochism Tango
Riding the Night Mare (poem)
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen's)
The Times They are a-Changing
Samachti B'omrim Li ("I rejoiced When They Said to Me", sung in Hebrew)
Prairie Lullaby (by Stephanie Davis)
I'd Sooner Go Hedging
God Save Us from the King (ttto God Save the King / My Country 'Tis of Thee)
Long John
Turtledove Done Drooped His Wing
Coming Down in the Rain
Safe Romance
Masterpiece (poem)
The Trump Center for the Arts
Fight Fiercely, Harvard
I'm a Rambler, I'm a Gambler
Craigie Hill
The Chickens They are Crowin'
Waiting for the Ferry
Great Wall Ballad (one verse in Chinese, remainder in English)
Parting Song