The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169401 Message #4218312
Posted By: Charley Noble
02-Mar-25 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Any March Songs?
Subject: RE: Any March Songs?
Winter in Maine got off to a slow start in December and January but came back with a vengeance in February and now at the beginning of March we are still experiencing subfreezing temperatures. Therefore, I was inspired to compose this sardonic song titled
WINTER, HOW I’LL MISS YOU WHEN YOU’RE GONE Here's a link to the lyrics on my website and if you click on the MP3 button you can hear the entire song:
I tried to make a "blue clicky" but it wouldn't work so just copy and paste. Maybe a Joe Clone can make it work, or not.
Charlie Ipcar
Charlie's MP3 Link to hear the recording