The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32115   Message #421837
Posted By: Jande
20-Mar-01 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Snow Dragons
Subject: RE: BS: Snow Dragons
mousethief, Kim C, tiggerdooley, Bearheart, Naemanson, Animaterra, kat, tig, thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed my first thread to Mudcat.

SINSULL, I thought briefly about the coloured gels and food colouring. (We did try to preserve our creations by spraying them down with a fine spray of water to ice-encapsulate them, and I think it helped a bit... but it has been warm). I have no food colouring anyway, but I felt that I rather liked them white, myself. Glad we agree! They have given me an idea for a short story which I do hope someday to find the time to write, though time is in short supply these days it seems.

Matt, "The History" ? Do you have an ISBN for that? Thanks for your fine praise! Had us all preening! And thanks for clarifying the CA and ECU for me. I do hope that you will find a way to follow your passions AND make money from them. I know form experience that the term "dead end job" applies firmly to those jobs that we do to make money, while our creative talent and passions wait on our "spare" time. Good luck and bless you!

we did take an hour to work/play a little more on our dragons (yes, now two of them. Lissa started out to make the arms of the second dragon and ended up making a baby dragon istead. LOL! Very cuuuute! Here are some coloured photos (I think there may be some more, too, but we have an awful bad habit of not labelling the diskettes that our camera uses (Sony Mavika FD91):

adult & baby dragon

adult & baby dragon2

Back & Tail (see the little wings?)

Front of adult dragon

Another view from the front. (Melting)

Lissa's baby dragon (James made the head)

If the story works I'll try to get a ballad out of it, too. Cross yer fingers for me!

~ Jande