The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169401   Message #4218535
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
06-Mar-25 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Any March Songs?
Subject: RE: Any March Songs?
On 6 March 1836, the Alamo fell to Mexican forces under Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Frontiersmen Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie both died in the 12-day battle. Two additions;

1. THE GREEN LEAVES OF SUMMER is a song, composed by Dimitri Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster, written for the 1960 film The Alamo. In The Alamo, the song is heard on the last night before the Battle of the Alamo. It was performed in the film's score by the vocal group The Brothers Four. In 1961, the song was nominated for an Academy Award; its parent soundtrack, for the film The Alamo, was awarded a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. Wikipedia.
Green Leaves of Summer

Oh, Santiana gained the day
    Hooray, Santiana
Oh, Santiana gained the day
    All on the plains of Mexico

But as a military leader, Gates Brown, a historian at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, considers Santa Anna among history's worst for his mistakes in two wars which cost Mexico much of its territory. Wikipedia. The American General Zachary Taylor beat the Mexican General Santa Aña at the battle of Molina del Rey (Buena Vista) in February 1847. Mainly Norfolk.
General Taylor
General Taylor gained the day
    Walk him along, John, carry him along
Oh, General Taylor gained the day
    Carry him to his burying ground

Various recordings of
Santianna, article from Wikipedia

Link to post above THE ALAMO