The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173796 Message #4218556
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
06-Mar-25 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
> MaJoC is the reincarnation of Senator Byrd.
.... Which one? there's seven, and five Senator Birds (Senators Bird?), known to Wikipedia.
Meanwhile, back at the point, something from the letters page of today's New European:
It is time for us Europeans to pay a lot more attention to the wisdom circulating among old-age psychiatrists. It is my experience (not being a qualified psychiatrist but an ordinary physician) that mental deterioration prior to full-blown Alzheimer's terrifies those with a Trump-Putin mindset and leads to unjustified aggressive behaviour in those already prone to aggression.
Trump is only a very few years younger than his father was when he developed Alzheimer's. Time for government to seek guidance from those with in-depth experience of this troubling consequence of extended lifespans. Please would our government consult meaningfully those, largely to be found in the Royal College of Psychiatrists, who can help them outmanoevre these ageing tyrants?
.... and from an article entitled The Abominable Showman in the same issue, reviewing "Michael Woolf's new book on Trump and his court":
Even after a bullet grazes him at Butler, he refuses a CT scan, fearful that it will show "plaque" and people will say he has Altzeimer's. Image is everything --- as he has just shown by pumping his fist in the air and shouting "fight!"
And there was me thinking it might be due to the Oik-in-Chief taking both amphetamines and barbiturates (downers make you stupid, uppers make you certain, and both together means everybody around you wears a tin hat at all times) .... But whatever it is, the results are still at best inexcusable, and ultimately his own fault.
Maybe now, Donuel, we can answer your question about what's in it for tRump: if you're marching in front of a zombie army, the one thing you cannot afford to do is stumble.