The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928   Message #4218658
Posted By: Mr Red
08-Mar-25 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
At a company Xmas dinner in a pub. We all specified our preferences in advance, I went with "Ploughmans'" & "No Onions". As simple as it gets to comply.

It came with a pickled onion on top of the cheese. When I pointed-out the error the waitress (cook?) replied "You never said anything about a pickle!"

The reason I don't eat at restaurants is for that kind of reason. They don't know what food is what, or "it's only got a bit of garlic", as if I wouldn't notice.

You get what they sell, and eating out is for pleasure, and it's no pleasure with fodder & attitudes like the above, so I don't buy. Hence I get to see what I eat.