The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928 Message #4218669
Posted By: Bill D
08-Mar-25 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Driving back from Kansas City to Wichita with a friend, we came to a smallish town with 2 restaurants on the main street. One said "Good Eats", so in we went. Nice little homey place with wooden booths and a menu with familiar stuff. He ordered the fried chicken and I opted for meat loaf. Looked fine when it arrived... then we tasted it! He said his chicken was not only over cooked, but tough and bland. My meatloaf came with mashed potatoes and gravy... and somehow the gravy tasted odd. After several bites, I recognized the flavor. It tasted like it had set overnight in a refrigerator under some dripping watermelon. In fact, everything seemed to be yesterday's reheated stuff. That meal became our classic "never again" location.