The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928   Message #4218675
Posted By: Helen
08-Mar-25 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Mr Red, my Hubby can't eat raw onion, although he is ok if it is cooked or marinated.

We ordered a meal at a place where the food is not the greatest ever, but it is usually ok for the price. I can't remember what the feature item in the dish was, but it came with an Asian inspired salad. I requested no onion when I ordered it, but then a few minutes later I was called back to find out if my Hubby had an allergy to onions. I said he didn't but that he can't eat raw onion because it upsets his stomach. She said the salad comes with raw red onion so I said we would just pick it out and eat the rest.

When the meal arrived there was a fairly big salad and - I am not exaggerating - *half* of the salad was raw red onion which was not marinated in oil with lemon or lime juice or vinegar. We picked it out and left it on the plate because I'm not fond of raw onion either. A third of the whole meal was raw red onion.

What is the fascination with raw unmarinated red onions? I don't get it at all.