The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173796   Message #4218737
Posted By: Donuel
09-Mar-25 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Dunning Kruger is a theory based upon obvious observation and has obvious acceptance.
I have a sociological theory regarding a persistent observation of 20%
of a human population that is innately low in empathy and without the ability to think from someone else's perspective. What exacerbates the effect that leads to cruelty, narcissism, and criminal behavior is an early upbringing of physical and mental abuse. This combination of nature and nurture in creating individuals that range from psychopaths to those without the ability to fully empathize needs to be investigated further to determine if this effect can be mitigated,
If a name for this is required I would call it the Cruel index.