The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928 Message #4218887
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Mar-25 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Helen, that reminds me of one of my best restaurant experiences. My kids were born and raised in Texas by a mother from the Pacific NW so I fixed seafood in a way that I grew up with. Salmon is one of nature's perfect foods, so grilling or baking with a little butter, fresh ground black pepper, and garlic is all that is needed.
When I was a kid in Seattle Ivar's Acres of Clams was a simple seafood restaurant, but when we were all in Seattle for a wedding in 2013 the adult kids and I went out for lunch at Ivar's and were confronted with a huge menu with all sorts of sauces and blackened this and that. When the waiter arrived at our table I asked where was the basic grilled salmon without all of the stuff added? He said they always had fresh fish at the market price in the kitchen for the die hards who didn't want the fancy dishes. I ordered grilled salmon and got a potato and broccoli on the side. The kids ordered the same, and I realized it was because they also knew what good salmon tastes like. My son lives up there now, near my sister, and when they post photos of meals they share if there is salmon involved it is treated with respect. Grilled or smoked, it doesn't need any fancy ingredients.