The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173932   Message #4218919
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Shaw
12-Mar-25 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Subject: RE: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Well I'm 73 and I've never sung in front of an audience, except for a captive one in my house, mainly at Christmas whilst under the influence. Well that is until last Friday when I had my first gig as a new member of an enthusiastic group of blokes of similar age who've been singing shanties and other folkie-type songs around here for decades. Out of the 22 songs I've so far belted out with them, I know that Tom Paxton wrote two of 'em and that Ralph McTell wrote another (go on, have a guess!). Other than that, I neither know nor care where the songs originated or whether they're supposed to be traditional or whether I'm singing them "traditionally" or not. I'm not going to be getting up my own bottom about this, unlike some people I've encountered here. I'm having fun. Now all I need is someone to tell me how to sing... :-)

Next gig Friday!