The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173932   Message #4218945
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Shaw
12-Mar-25 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Subject: RE: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
"It's worth noting that some of us like song scholarship. If you don't know or care where you got a song, I'm not likely to want to bother to listen to you singing it."

Well that's a bit of a shame. For decades I've been an aficionado of traditional Irish tunes and I like a bit of scholarship on that score (not that I've ever used scores!) but the chaps and chapesses I consorted with in the jigs 'n' reels always played them fully as well whether they were scholars of the muse or not (and none of us have ever lived in Ireland either). I'm a scholar of classical music too, though I can't play any of it. Were you to listen to my lusty "singing" of Cornish shanties in my big loud untrained northern voice, you might well have a "Cor-blimey-what-the-hell-was-THAT!" moment, but, sure as eggs is eggs, you wouldn't be able to glean whether or not my scholarship was up to snuff...