The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173770   Message #4218959
Posted By: Donuel
12-Mar-25 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joke thread for 2025
Subject: RE: BS: Joke thread for 2025
Its getting harder to tell Putin apart from Elmer Fudd and Zelenskyy is the wise cracking Wabbit.

Some jokes kill so I went to my boss’s funeral service …
I knelt next to the coffin and whispered, “Who is thinking outside the box now?”

Where are mathematicians buried?
The Symmetry.

When Paddy's dog died, he took it to the local Catholic church. He asked the preacher if he could have a funeral service for his much loved pet, but the preacher explained that they didn't do services like that for animals.
Paddy asked who would and the preacher suggested that the Baptist church up the road would probably give the dog a funeral service. Paddy asked, "Preacher, do you think $5,000 would be enough for the dog's funeral?" The preacher replied, "Dearest Paddy, why didn't you tell me that your dog was a Catholic?"