The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173932   Message #4219003
Posted By: GUEST,Some bloke
13-Mar-25 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Subject: RE: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Nothing altars

It would appear the %&&%& autocorrect is in an ecclesiastical mode, which is odd but my fault for not proof reading it.

For the record, we constantly hear people introduce a song saying “This is / isn’t a folk song.’ I wish they’d let on and educate me as to what makes it a folk song because be buggered if I know.

The only agreement I can make with others is I’m comfortable with Steve Roud’s withering take on the so called 1954 definition nonsense, although a junketing conference in Mexico must have been exciting back then. A good compromise communique in the global sense but little to do with the history of songs in Europe and its influence since the invention of the printing press.