The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173940 Message #4219050
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Mar-25 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Time to update modem/router WAC
Subject: RE: Tech: Time to update modem/router WAC
SRS, my three units are WiFi. They're all identical, but one is master and the other two are slaves. Each has an Ethernet port, maybe two (I can't see without disassembling). I have an Ethernet cable from my modem to one unit, and another Ethernet cable from a second unit to my computer. My TV works on WiFi, but I'm considering hardwiring it to my third mesh unit. Are the two "slave" units just repeaters? I dunno, but they work a heck of a lot better than repeaters I've tried in the past. My signal is equally strong throughout the house.