The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928 Message #4219118
Posted By: robomatic
14-Mar-25 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Many years ago I was on a job in Alaska where we lived in a camp and ate at a local 'restaurant'. More of a cafe with food, the kind of place with booths against the outside wall, a counter, an internal window into the kitchen with the orders posted at the window. The kind of place where the big meal is breakfast where that is bacon eggs and toast with variations of pancakes. There were no restrictions on smoking nor seemingly anything else. After a few days I had to take a look into the kitchen which was not that hard to find. Inside over the burners was a skinny woman in a well used apron in constant motion. And she was chewing tobacco. And regularly spitting into a can in the middle of the range. She didn't have good aim control. I thought the eggs tasted funny.