The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173928   Message #4219190
Posted By: JennieG
15-Mar-25 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
Subject: RE: BS: Your worst restaurant experience
A bad restaurant experience:

Many many years ago the Scottish country dance group to which I belonged had their "end-of-year-Christmas night out" at a restaurant which had been in business for many years. As is my wont I bypassed the entree - 'appetiser' for the non-Ozzies - and ordered a main course, grilled salmon fillet with asparagus and I forget what else. After so many years I can't recall what I ordered for dessert. Many of the group went for three courses. We placed our orders, and settled in for a chat while we waited.

Entrees were duly delivered for those who had ordered them, and main courses started to appear. Mine did not. Entrees were cleared away, mains were being cleared, and desserts were starting to appear. My main was still nowhere to be seen, despite asking various wait staff. Eventually a staff member appeared and started in on the excuses.....staff off sick, didn't show for shifts, etc. "That's not my problem", I said. "I have ordered food and it has not been delivered. How hard can it be?" (I'm not usually rude to staff which I why I remembered what was said, but by then I was getting quite annoyed.) Eventually my salmon appeared, just as most of the others were finishing their desserts. My dessert (for which I was not charged) eventually appeared; the restaurant was clearing out by then.

One of my companions asked was it worth the, I said. It was nice, there was nothing wrong with the food, but it wasn't worth such a long wait.