The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172700   Message #4219208
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
16-Mar-25 - 07:26 AM
Thread Name: need cheaper guitar strings!
Subject: RE: need cheaper guitar strings!
Fred - Just a thought, and so’s not to confuse you, by OM I’m not talking about an “Orchestra Model” (000 guitar) but an “Octave Mandolin” (carved top, an octave lower, mandolin). I play both but, in recent years, things tuned in 5ths seem to have taken over (mandolin/mandola/OM).

On the Eagle packet, it suggests that the strings aren’t cut until installed and tuned to pitch, which suggests that they have round cores rather than hexagonal, so they’re not going to sound the same as d’Addarios anyway. (Probably more mellow from the outset)