The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173932   Message #4219234
Posted By: GUEST,Some bloke
16-Mar-25 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
Subject: RE: Traditional Singers and singers of Trad
That’s the problem with signing in, Joe Offer had this philosophy of what he called free speech where you weren’t free to call out homophobic hatred but free to spew it in the first place. It’d have been great to sign in but that’s the price of coming across what our American friends call free speech, which given recent politics, it’s no wonder some don’t understand the responsibility it requires. In short, my account was frozen and as time has dealt with the unfortunate troll and I use Mudcat for its real purpose, getting different takes and opinions on the history of songs, not much reason to rejoin.

Mind you, our Betty is free with speech, especially when bad mouthing gob iron aficionados and squeeze box pumpers with gnomish attributes in the pub…. Although she reckons I’m the Doberman’s dangly bits.

Sorry, but perhaps, and just my opinion you understand, the purpose of this thread might have run its course, hence Betty rearing her head after a break of many years.