The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173952 Message #4219258
Posted By: GUEST,Rick Pollay
16-Mar-25 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: If the People Unite (Seth Watkins)
Subject: Lyr Add: If the People Unite - Seth Watkins
If the People Unite Seth Staton Watkins (Ireland March 2025)
A seat forged from the echoes of falsehoods and lies The law bends and breaks as the ruler decides No throne, yet he’d reign with a scepter and pen The people subject to the will of one man
Cause nowhere is safe in this world of change Consent is manufactured through bigotry and rage So billionaires and fascists can rule without a fight But their will can be broken if the people unite
An Empire built on the backs of the poor Centuries of suffering as the profit margins soar Through violent submission and million-dollar bribes Our The government sold out to private enterprise CHORUS
Through Christo-fascist fantasies of race and purity They condition the people to scorn humanity We abandon the Ukraine to the Russian advance While we arm the Israelis as they burn the Levant CHORUS
We need more than hope; we need people to rise No more denial, or political lies In the wreckage and ruin, the truth starts to show Our choices have led us to this a world of woe
Cause Oh, nowhere is safe in this world of change Consent is manufactured through bigotry and rage So billionaires and fascists can rule without a fight But their will can be broken if the people unite Yes, their will can be broken if the people unite